Mini-course @ IPM

Dr. Sajad Salami from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil will give a mini-course on “Elliptic curves: arithmetic and computations“. There will be a total of 10 lectures given on six days. Here are the details (each item is 2 lectures):

  1. Basics of elliptic curves over perfect fields
  2. Elliptic curves over finite fields and applications
  3. Heights and Mordell-Weil theorem
  4. The ranks and the birch and Swinerton-Dyer conjecture
  5. Computations on elliptic curves with Pari/GP and SAGE

Classes will take place on 20-22 Mordaad (11-13 August 2018) and 5-7 Shahrivar 1397 (27-29 August 2018).